vunerability scanning

Vulnerability Scanning

Identify your weak spots and improve your security posture

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Vulnerability Scanning

Even the smallest vulnerability can be exploited by cyber criminals. Without proactive vulnerability scanning and management, critical systems and sensitive data can be accessed and exploited by cybercriminals leaving your business with potential financial loss, legal challenges and your brand reputation in tatters.

Our advanced scanning tools conduct in-depth assessments of your environment, uncovering any vulnerabilities and a prioritised action plan to mitigate the threats posed.

Vulnerability Scanning Infosheet

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Vulnerability Management in 4 Steps

Don’t let a vulnerability be the chink in your Cyber Security Armour


Routine scanning quickly identifies vulnerabilities in your network.


Vulnerabilities are prioritized based on type and potential impact on your business.


The most critical vulnerabilities receive immediate attention and remediation.


Comprehensive vulnerability reports highlight areas of needed improvements.

We have solutions to strengthen your Security

Don’t let a vulnerability be the chink in your Cyber Security Armour

We have solutions to strengthen your security posture, including employee training, endpoint protection, vulnerability assessments and a fully staffed Security Operations Centre.

Contact us to learn more